First Unitarian’s long history of a fine music ministry program embraces a wide spectrum of music, musicians, and instruments. The music program has a music heritage fund called the Encore Fund, to which people can make memorial donations, bequests, and contributions in honor of someone or a favorite cause.
The monies in the Encore Fund are used to supplement the annual music budget. Typical uses are to fund the hiring of guest musicians, purchasing of music scores, instruments, instrument maintenance/tuning, and to make possible music services and concerts at the church, for instance, the performance of large choral works with orchestra for All Souls Music Sunday services, special concerts, and Christmas Eve Candlelight Festival of Lessons & Carols (which features about 10 carol anthems with instruments and soloists).
CHRISTMAS EVE 2020 YouTube Service (during COVID)
Occasionally we have the great delight to be able to offer a Matching Gift program for donations to the Encore Fund, as matched by an anonymous donor.
THANK YOU for your support of our Music Program
enabling us to present fine music for our church community.Use the button below, or mail your check to:
90 Main Street, Worcester 01609.
Please include instructions if you would like
an acknowledgement (memory/honor)
in the next program.